Wednesday, February 6, 2008


How would you like to shop and not worry about how you're gonna ship your stuffs to send it to your home or to your love ones living in Europe? Maybe you are in vacation and having fun traveling and exploring the USA and found some great stuffs you just don't want to miss getting or maybe you are in Europe and found some great deals through online shopping but U.S. sellers do not ship directly to international address (most of them don't). Products are much less expensive in the U.S.A. than in Europe. Imagine the cost of shipping and handling fee if you send stuffs yourself. That will be very costly. Thanks to, anyone can now Shop in the U.S.A. and ship packages to Europe. They can store and ship products for e-commerce startups. Good thing is that, they can inspect the products and find out if everything is OK. Don't you like to make sure that the one you're getting looks and works great? Yes! they can do the checking and can even re-package and better secure the products so they don't get destroyed during the shipping. Aside from that, they can also consolidate more shipments in one package and save you on shipping. Check out their website to learn more about the service and the pricing.

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