Sunday, May 26, 2013

Corporate Life

This guest post from Werner Rogers

Have you guys seen that HBO show called “Enlightenment?” It’s starring Laura Dern and she’s an employee who basically has a meltdown at her office and then she goes to a rehab therapy…it’s pretty great. I really relate to her because I work for a corporation and I have to say, it is pretty soul sucking when it wants to be, unfortunately. I spend all day in my cubicle watching funny cat videos and paying my bills on and I really just don’t know that I feel like I’m giving it my all. I really do wish I could give back in a more meaningful way and I’ve been volunteering on the weekends so I feel better about the way I spend my weeks. I really think it’s fun to interact with other people than my friends and I’m also thinking about ways in which I can help kids. I’m considering starting up a program to bake birthday cakes for kids whose families can’t afford to get them a cake because when you’re a child you totally deserve to have someone celebrate your birthday! I love giving back because I was a fortunate child and was part of a good family…I can’t imagine the instances some of the kids I’ve heard about have to go through. It’s really important to me not to take my blessings for granted so I want to do all I can to show the people around me how grateful am for everything I have. I think it’s a good lesson to show my coworkers and my daughter and pretty much anyone I come into contact with. There’s nothing wrong with being selfish at times as long as you pay it back in other ways in your community. Do what you can give back in your life and I believe that things will come back to you tenfold…that’s how karma works in the real world! It all comes back around.

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