Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Protect Your Heart

Do you want to have a healthy heart? I guess you do. Everyone wants to live healthy. Protect your heart!

Omega-3 is a safe, natural way to improve your heart health. It is an essential fatty acid. That means it is essential to human health, but cannot be manufactured by the body. Omega-3s' main benefit is their ability to reduce the risk of heart rhythm problems in certain groups of people, thus reducing the risk of sudden cardiac death. In addition, omega-3s may help reduce triglycerides, lower blood pressure slightly and reduce blood clotting. This is vital for your heart's health. Numerous studies have proven the effectiveness of omega-3 in reducing triglycerides, normalizing blood pressure, improving circulation, reducing the formation of plaque, and improving the overall function of the heart muscle. These fatty acids help prevent a wide range of cardiovascular problems including heart attack, stroke, high blood pressure, and atherosclerosis. PharmaOmega Cardio contains the highest concentration of omega-3 on the market without a prescription. Each softgel contains 850 mg of omega-3 - three to four times as much as other brands. Now, another good news, you can get a free sample of Cardio at PharmaOmega.

How to Draw Chibi Faces

I love this video. I am sure people that loves drawing and those that loves cartoon character would appreciate this drawing tutorial. "Miki Falls" manga creator Mark Crilley presents a tutorial on drawing "chibi" faces, with a special emphasis on rendering emotions.

How to Draw Chibi Faces, Six Different Ways

Paid Article Submission Program

Here's a Paid Article Submission Program for everyone. Encyclocentral is currently seeking original article writers. They will provide writers with common "key phrases", but it's up to the writers to developed those phrases into a clear and descriptive title, contain a minimum of 5 words, preferably more. They require a correctly spelled and correctly checked English grammar. After writers submission will most likely be reviewed after it has posted live onto the site. They require all articles to have 350-500 words. Payment is $5.00 USD per article and is made via PayPal on the 5th of the month for all article submit the previous calendar month. Check out their website for more information.

Magazines in Photoshop

Check out this video tutorial of making a magazine cover using Photoshop. Great help for everyone especially to people who are just starting to explore what Photoshop has to offer.

entertainment community

Are you an aspiring actor? aspiring model? or musician? You might want to check out www.NYCastings.com NYCastings helps actors find paying work! and they are not only for actors but also for other talents like models, musicians and others. They have castings and job listings in their website. You can also enjoy their business directory and other resources for your career. Learn how you can use this service for your career .

NYCastings has been serving the New York entertainment community for over 7 years now, and has been a dependable, free and highly recognized service for Casting Directors, Talent Reps. & Producers to find the RIGHT type of talent for on-camera, print, voice-over & live projects with minimal effort. In fact New York Castings helps in casting over 4,500 projects a year.

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